It was a crisp winter evening at 2722 Silver Oak Drive. The Guess family had just settled in for a comfortable night of pajama's, leftovers, and corny Christmas movies. All of the sudden the littlest member of the family yelled "poo-poo!". Her mother jumped up quickly to check the tiny girl's diaper, as the yelling of such a phrase usually meant that there was some cleaning to be done. But much to her surprise the diaper was dry... "hmmm" the Mother said, "Do you need to poo-poo?" Little Grace ran into her bedroom as if to have her diaper changed. Just then her mother had the most amazing thought! She asked her daughter, "Do you need to poo-poo?" The child answered "YES" in the most sweet tone of voice. The mother placed the child on the potty and ALAS, the littlest member of the family did just what she was asked to do! "HOORAY" shouted the family, and they celebrated with high fives, fist bumps, and Reese's Pieces candy.
FYI.... She has pooped two more times in the potty since this! Once this morning and another time at Cane's for lunch! We were in the booth and she said poo-poo... no poo-poo to be found so we went to the restroom and she went like a champ! Then when we got home she tee-tee'd in the potty!! WOW!!