Monday, June 25, 2012


My favorite friends and I have joined Piranha fitness Studio in town and are LOVING it! We are going every other day, carpooling and having so much fun! We are breaking a killer sweat and starting to figure out what instructors we enjoy and what parts of our body hurt after each instructor. MONDAYS are killer.. we are barely walking the next day and sitting is a chore, but her class is AWESOME.. WEDNESDAYs the instructor really works our abs and arms and overall we REALLY enjoy her. THURSDAY is toning, lord help us. It's Zumba with weights, there are no words. SATURDAY/SUNDAY- we haven't quite figured out.. its a little low key (which is good) but it also maybe because its in the middle of the day and not evening, and usually as different instructor each time. Overall I have never worked out so hard in my life! Hopefully my booty will start to show it!

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