Thursday, February 9, 2012

God bless...

Grace has a new interest, prayer. She is asking to pray at all times during the day, is very specific in her word choice and is so sincere. I am so proud of her! Though some of the things she is choosing to pray for are down right hilarious. I can not help but giggle as we sit on her bed and listen to this child "talk to Jesus".

Here are just a few of the things she has prayed for or said during prayer lately starting with tonights prayer,

"God bless me, and the people who bring the pizza.."
"....and thank you for my candy for when I poop"
" mommy I want to pray for your school ok?... Now you pray for mine"
"God bless that and that and that and that and that"
"God bless my name, my music, and my mirror"
"Thank you God for Mickey Mouse and those Bubble Guppies.."
"We gotta talk loud so Jesus can hear us.."
"Hush momma and bow your head.."
"I wanna pray for my G. R. A. C. E."
" Will you pray for me?"

Is that not the sweetest thing you've heard today? OH and she is OFFICIALLY 2 1/2 this week!

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