Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen... Introducing the WORLDS PICKIEST CHILD!!

Lord help us I think Grace could be considered in the Guinness Book of World Records for the worlds pickiest eater. I am sure of it. I mean.. who doesn't like mashed potatoes?

I am beyond frustrated lately. Not that this is new... feeding this child has been nothing but a struggle since I stopped nursing. When she was around 5 months old she would go a whole day on 4 oz of formula, refusing to take a bottle from anyone but me. We had to sneak a bottle in her mouth while she slept. THEN at 10 months she refused formula all together and whole milk made her vomit, she ate a handful of items, mostly yogurt, pasta, cereal, and applesauce. At 2 she started eating chicken in small increments and a few raw fruits (apple, strawberries, watermelon). At 2 1/2 I thought "WOW she's been eating really well!!" trying new foods and eating more enthusiastically. We even shot up a few inches and gained a few lb's. THEN all of a sudden... BAM! The appetite is gone... the milk sensitivity is back (which includes a gag reflex and projectile vomit). She isn't eating ANYTHING we pack for lunch, and I'm resorting to calorie rich foods like mac-n-cheese and honey buns just to get her some calories.

OK I have to tell myself I'm doing everything I can. I am trying everything. She will drink V8 splash, and I make sure she gets about 4-6 oz of that every other day. She has a yogurt based fruit smoothie every morning, and she loves those fruit puree pouches that hide good things like  omega-3s, quinoa, chia, yogurt, spinach, and lots of other things. She'll eat dried fruit. She LOVES real cheese (not american) and she likes wheat bread and tortilla's.

We are just tired... so if there are any other moms out there with stubborn eaters, let's share our tricks. Here are a couple of mine. These are weekly staples for little miss Grace Guess.

1. the PIZZA sandwich
- pita bread
- baby food green veggies (green beans, spinach, peas)
- pizza sauce
- fresh mozzarella

Mix greens with pizza sauce, spread inside pita pocket, throw in some cheese, grill in a pan like a grilled cheese, VOala! Pizza sandwich!

2.  Squash-a-roni-and Cheese
- any recipe mac n cheese
- baby food yellow colored veggies (carrots, squash, cauliflower )

easy easy... and she'll eat it.

This has been a rough food week for us. I know it will get better. I just wish she would say "hey mom, can I have some veggies and meat for dinner? ":) A mom can dream right?

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