Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What a mess!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Story of the #2....
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
New words this week!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Praying for serenity!
The little stinker is sick again.
My poor baby just got over a 10 week long ear infection, ONLY to be dealt a nasty cough/fever/vomiting combination. oh joy.
I need a magic button to whisk away all worry and stress!!
Tonight I am praying for tranquility, serenity, and restfull sleep for everyone in my house :)
Love Love
Thursday, November 4, 2010
One week after tubes
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Grace and my future Son-in Law
Girls in thier "cutom made" costumes!
at Noah's Carnival
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tubes :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Pumpkin, church, daddy, mommy (not momma anymore), play, eat, outside, sing, cheese, and after many many many more, Mike tried his luck, noticing a bumper sticker on the car infront of us, and said "Grace say OBAMA" hahaha.. and from the back seat we heard "OMAMA" HAHAHAHAH this kid cracks us up!!! We had a big laugh.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
the "puppin" patch
Saturday, October 16, 2010
funny kid!
I start counting "one....." Grace yells "TWO"
I say "Ready!" she says "Go!"
too funny!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I love you
She woke up this morning telling Willie "shhh Willie". She told me she wanted "out" of her carseat this morning and blew me kisses when I left. She is saying "Whooa or Uh-oh" when she falls down or drops something. But what is the most enjoyable is that she is letting us love on her longer, she used to NEVER sit still enough to let us sit with a blanket and just cuddle. Now she'll "come sit" with us when we ask her to.
"NO", unfortunately, is our FAVORITE word. She is getting really good at letting us know that she "ain't havin' it". We have been to the Doctors office pretty frequently lately and she straight up told Dr. Parr, "no no no" when he came at her with the scope.
It is so amazing to watch her grow emotionally. Watching her react to sad or hurtful situations, where somebody she loves is leaving or something she wants is taken away really tugs at your heart. Her emotions are changing from fit throwing to visible hurt feelings. On the other hand, she is also comprehending joy. Watching her notice her Dee Dee or waiting for Mike to get home is such a treat, her little face just lights up. Today she expressed so much happiness over getting to eat the "whole" banana, without me cutting it up. Such small victories.
What a blessing it is to get to watch this little person, our little person, become her OWN little person.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Growing up so fast!
- more, please, bath, all finished, thank you, eat
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Starting um' young..
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
I'm a Gummy Bear!!
Grace was sitting with me on the computer the other night and I thought i'd you tube a video she could watch.. I was looking for Mickey's, The Hotdog Dance "she loves that one". After we watched it she was so excited that I started looking for some others, we watched "C is for Cookie" and a hand full of others and this one was on the related video page, some little gummy bear dancing around and singing! Well lets just say, She LOVED this one. I wish I would have pulled out the camera earlier, the video is of the 2nd time she watched it. She was dancing all over the place. Silly girl! Who know where she gets these moves from :) Have a BLESSED week!
Friday, September 10, 2010
By Max Lucado
“My cup overflows with blessings.” Psalm 23:5 NLT
Is an overflowing cup full? Absolutely. The wine reaches the rim and then tumbles over the edge. The goblet is not large enough to contain the quantity. According to David, our hearts are not large enough to contain the blessings that God wants to give. He pours and pours until they literally flow over the edge and down on the table . . .
The last thing we need to worry about is not having enough. Our cup overflows with blessings."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New playhouse & Wagon! :)
We were also given a wagon from our Bestest Friends and Neighbors as a hand-me-down toy that their daughter Madison used to play with when she was a baby. It is in EXCELLENT shape and Grace loves it so much. Her favorite thing to do is to climb in and out, over and over again. She loves to go for walks, and the best part about it , it that it is a 2 seater so we can have a friend ride with us.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
New craft project!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
different baby.. same bow
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Is that not the most beautiful thing to hear? God's Grace is all around us :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
New words and phrases :)
I've been doing baby sign with her since birth (it feels like) but going back to daycare and seeing the other kids doing what I"VE been doing.... It's like a little light bulb went on!! "HEY, I know what that means!!" haha She can sign "all done" (both hands out turning them over and over) "thank you" (hand motioning down from chin) "please" (one open hand moving in circle around the chest) bath( both fists moving in circles on chest), and "more" ( both hands coming together in the middle, fingers together). She is "singing" and doing the motions for "the itsy bitsy spider" (so cute), as well as "singing along" with music.
She can CLEARLY say, on her own these words:
Shoe, Ball, Stop, No No No (always in three's), Dad, Momma, Snack, tickle tickle tickle ( SOO CUTE), Yuck
She is saying these words PARTIALLY:
Banana (nana), Willie (Yi- Yee), Outside (side) and, Shake it, Shake it, Shake it, (shaka shaka shaka)
She can regognize, point to, and go get these objects in her books and in the house by name:
Dog, Puppy, Ball, Shoe, Milk, Toy, Baby, Monkey, Elmo, Mickey Mouse, toes, eyes, teeth, diaper, Eye,Belly button, tummy, outside, book, trash can, bath, shoes, hairbow, cup, phone, lovie, blanket, binky
It is such a joy to watch our baby girl change and grow! We are so blessed.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fluke or Genius??
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Birthday Princess!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
When did she get so big?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A little bit of everything!
I know the video is dark, but it is so hard to get her to do something on camera instead of FOCUS on the camera. She is giggling and growling in the beginning but about 2minutes in she starts to listen to us and follow some cute directions! Our big girl!
She can point to other peoples eyes, nose, and "hairbows", she can point to her own toes, shoes, bellybutton, teeth, and her OWN hairbow, She can "bark" like the puppies, and "Vroom" like the truck. She can bring me a diaper, binky, shoe, book, cup, and blanket, all by word request, and she can go "put something in the trash" She can point at the fan, outside, Willie, and the one I'm most PROUD of, her name!! She has big letters of GRACE on her wall in her room, and every day we point to G R A C E. She started noticing other big signs or big letters this week. We were walking into TARGET from the parking lot and she started doing her little finger bounce, like "thats G R A CE" at the Target sign! I was so proud!! What an accomplishment to recognize words and letters! In one of her books, she can point to the dog, truck, and banana and make the appropriate sound to go with it! banana = yummmm noise :)
She is saying "Uh oh", Dad, Mommy, something kinda like Willie, outside, snack, down, and "hereago" translated to "Here you go". Odd bit of language, something she REPEATEDLY says and we cant for the life of us figure it out, We swear she is saying Mahjong... But it might be alldone? or allgone? Who knows, but she says "mahjong" all the time :) She'll be one next Wednesday!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The many smiles of Gracie!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Hey folks!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Toddlerhood :)
She can get on and off of her little truck
She is doing great with object recognition and word meaning. She points the remote at the TV. Puts the phone to her eat and says "hello". Pats the baby doll "night night" on the back. Puts the purse or necklace over her head :) She can point to her eye and nose :) If we ask her if she wants "Milk" she starts to look around and say "mmmlick". When someone knocks on the door, she immediatly says "Daddy" really loud. When Willie barks or gets loud, she points at him and tells him "no no". She can say "ssshhhhh". When she sees something yummy, she says "snack" or "mmmmmm". And if she is sleepy I can ask her if she wants to go "night night" she will crawl over to me and put her head down on my shoulder, like "I'm ready mom". You can ask her where the "Fan" is and she'll point to the celing. Funny story, we were waiting on a playdate to show up at chic-fil-a and I asked Grace "where are your friends?" She immediatly pointed up, I said "no silly, not the Fan, your Friends!" The guy at the next table must have been listening and watching and he started cracking up.
We are 100% off of the bottle, starting to ease into Whole Milk, and about 98% real food she loves turkey and chicken, cheese sticks, crackers, little oranges,bananas, pancakes are her FAVORITE, cereal bars, yogurt, macaroni and cheese, potatoes, green beans, fish, rice, and any kind of noodle. She still only has 2 teeth, but she isn't letting that stop her. My dad and I were both really slow teethers, I don't think I had any teeth at 11 months, and I think my dad didn't get teeth until 13 months. I think the "lack" of teething pain has really given her a head start with language development, and a better grasp of what objects are used for, instead all things=teether. Who knows? I hope she continues to teeth slow, so that we don't have to deal with alot of teething pain at once. My friends little girl is teething hard, and poor baby, is always dealing with teething pain :(.